Record Clearance of Shipments – 1.5Hrs from the date of landing
Cleared Import/Export of Airbus 320 – ( More than 20 flights)
Handled more than 1000 transaction of different equipments
No single rejection or demand notice from customs
Handled more than 500 shipments for Reliance under High seas Sale across India
First firm to introduce In bond sale to IT sector without Local taxes
Handled the entire imports of BSE- 12000 routers and reverse logistics- Migration Logistics
In 1996 Attended Appellate Tribunal and classified Data Switches under heading 8471 as against 8517 as communication equipments – Savings of 10% customs duty for the importers. Case law
Sound Knowledge in the related field
Handled various colleges and University clearances &Research institution clearances under 51/96 customs notification